Basic Practitioner Training is now in two formats: a) Two three day events or 1 Five day Intensive – Both cover an overview of the whole system and are designed to enable you to measure your own and other people’s Energy fields as well as find precise frequencies to correct imbalances in your body and relationships; built personal resources and manage your environment better. You will also learn how to harmonize medication and minimize side effects; plus discover whether your body needs certain vitamins or other supplements.

Advanced Practitioner Training builds on the Basics so that you can work with more complex issues of pathological and environmental imbalances and work effectively on clearing the template within the Human energy system correcting problems before they become physical.

Contact me for more dates of planned seminars :




Dr. Sir Peter Guy Manners

26th August 2009

Dear friends

I am writing to inform you that last Friday Sir Peter Guy Manners passed away. This was not unexpected and our thoughts go out to Doreen, his wife, who has been tremendous support to him over many years.  It is however a sad moment in time for me and many people who knew this extraordinary human being.  At the request of Doreen his wife, no announcement was to be made until after the planned quiet family funeral.  A memorial will be arranged for later in the autumn.

I last saw Sir Peter when I went to England at the end of July.  As always, we talked for over two hours about Cymatics and his work.  Although he retired about three years ago, he never wanted to stop learning or teaching about Cymatics.  This was his passion.  So, I told him about what is happening now in the UK, Spain, France, Holland, Turkey, Switzerland, Germany and several other places, including Australia. He looked at our training plans at Quantum Change and some of the exciting developments both in the field of Medical science and energy Medicine.  He was very happy to see and hear some of the recordings now available and he looked at the standard DNA frequencies chart we developed.  Although he was frail, he always loved to discuss Cymatics and what was happening in the world of medical research.  He had a tremendous vision for an advanced medical system and spent years lecturing at conferences around the world.   Many of his ideas were very advanced at the time and only now being appreciated.  He was my mentor and he was my friend.

He gave over fifty years of his life to the medical application of Cymatics Therapy. He understood instinctively that the body would respond to sound in a natural and effective way and would be a much kinder form of medicine for the whole person.    For many years, his ideas and concepts were too advanced for medical scientists but now, in the wake of Quantum Physics it is seen as the new medicine or ‘Medicine for the 21st Century’.  In the 1970’s at a conference, he presented a paper to his peers that included the following statement: “Sound has the ability to rearrange molecular structure…”  He had the ability to rearrange our thinking about the nature of life and the restoration of health.

Our thoughts go out to his wife and family at this time of loss.

Dr. Grace Peyton DCM

Dr. Sir Peter Guy Manners


We now have Lecher Antennas in stock.  If you would like information about prices please contact

August Training Basics of Bio ReAlignment

I would like to thank all the participants for the wonderful contribution they made to the Basic training

you were indeed a very energetic group and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

The September training in Birmingham is now fully booked.  Dates for October/November training in Birmingham, UK to be confirmed

Read more about the Training

July 2009

sound amplification

Well the weather is getting seriously hot here and the summer looks busy. I have just added a new page which I hope will be of interest to people who are participating in the Trans-Spatial Programme. It is a brief but hopefully helpful account of some of the different measurements we take when balancing people here or at a distance.

When I am working in the clinic here I often forget that I use a strange language and so I want to make it easier for people to grasp what we mean when I talk about different fields. we will be posting more information soon.

Don’t forget to register if you want to attend the Basic Bio Realignment Seminar in August. It will be good to see you all there.



June 2009

Greetings from Quantum Change June  2009 .

Time is definitely speeding up and already we are half way through a very eventful year.

sound wave 3

Possibly because of the glorious sunny weather, the May training event was relaxed and stimulating at the same time. Several of us got together to ‘explore’ the DNA protocol. With the help of a  very advanced group of Bio-Energeticians, I was able to refine the DNA Protocol down to five simple steps and this should make it much more manageable to learn and carry out treatments. Anyway, Evelyn and I have been very busy working on a revised package for training including the tools and manuals which will make it so much easier for new participants to get started . We will be publishing the up to date Harmonies handbook for use with both the Bio Realignment and DNA Protocols. And our next training is here in wonderful Antequera, Malaga, August 21-23rd. Please join us. It is the basic training which will change the way you think about everything. The weather will be perfect and we can help with travel arrangements and accommodation, but contact us soon as it can get busy.

Lecher Antenna: We now have some Lecher Antenna’s in stock. It took a while to track down the best quality and these are really good. I use the same ones and they will last a lifetime, which is makes the investment worthwhile. Email Evelyn for more information.


There is a Lecher Antenna Workshop in Birmingham UK on 13th September.

Bio Realignment Basic Training on18-20th September.

Full details can be found at Quantum Change. We would love to meet you there so, please let us know if you need any additional information or assistance and we will do our best to help  make your  decision as easy as it can be.

DNA Protocol.

Lately nearly all of my spare time has been in writing up the DNA research so far and I have started a small project to see if I can get  a little more evidence based research set up to add all we know at this stage.  One of the problems is that DNA affects everything and some of the changes are very subtle and personal. But they can be quick and profound and physical or emotional or behavioral. From experience so far, we have used the protocol on widely different issues (between A for Aging and Arthritis to W for weight issues and Worry) And we want to be certain that we know how it works and how it is perceived by users.   So when I get few more completed questionnaires I will be delighted to share it with you here.  Here is a little food for thought

DNA is a body/mind information gathering system containing a wealth of variable information for our genetic development or evolution and writing up my notes has been a challenge.  DNA is not three dimensional and attempts to describe its complexity are difficult due to its lack of linearity. Therefore representing it in a three dimensional form such as a matrix or chart is very simplistic and belies the way it operates as a conscious part of our cellular awareness. The DNA Matrix however is my way of providing a systematic process that Energy understands and so it has become part of the language we use here in Malaga and it generates a lot of excitement even among some of my more  traditional colleagues. What has emerged is that there is an order and logic to the Matrix.  Each inter-dimensional layer is connected to each other part and swirls around in a way that can best be visualized as a soup of possibilities. Just like it is difficult to isolate the salt and pepper in a winter stew; once you add to it you alter the initial flavor; and when you put different amounts of seasoning or other ingredients in to a vegetable base, you know the taste and the nutritional value will change   Having said that, it has links with every cell in the body and a resonance that can be amplified and kept strong. For more information visit our DNA Protocol Page or go to our website

Trans Spatial Programme:

We have had lots of interest in the Trans-Spatial Programme and it truly seems as if the world is a small place these days. In my small clinic I am routinely in contact with clients in several different countries and it’s amazing how interesting you all are. I will be setting up some pages to explain more about the different field measurements and why they are important. And I will let you know as soon as I have done that.

Well I think that’s all for now,

My regards and best wishes,

Grace x


April/May 2009

Another Message from Grace

As I write, Easter week is just beginning and another fiesta awaits us. As an English person living in the small village of Mollina, Malaga I find that the local people really seem to value their traditions, especially those built around the family, community well being and religion. I have no doubt from their unique history that they are well seasoned in coping with harsh winters and despite the global recession, there is a sense that Spring is approaching and life carries on.

When I look at the bigger picture however, I see change happening all around. Not just in the weather, or even the structure of the economy but changes in the way we think and behave towards each other. We are so intimately connected that it feels harder now to distinguish our own values and beliefs from the information constantly relayed through the media. It is very important to find ways to keep in balance and so I am checking myself daily, to ensure I stay grounded. It feels more like a necessity than a personal indulgence.

What is happening to our world? Some people hold the view that humanity is heading towards some sort of catastrophe. I don’t believe that. Yes, there is a lot of pruning going on and things that used to serve a real purpose are no longer needed will rapidly fall by the wayside. In that sense, this is affecting all of us and at so many levels. This is now a different world, a world of quantum reality

Life can be seen now as a hologram, with individual parts containing the same information as the whole. We are all connected through fields of consciousness and our consciousness affects every other field. I see evidence of this every time I see a client. When I balance a person, I hold that they will be able to balance others around them and the knock on effect will result in a more harmonious world for us all. This is why I started to offer this training.  Can you imagine how important our collective contribution can be in helping to create a more harmonious and balanced world? Remember this is time of rebirth and the first buds of spring provide an opportunity for all of us to re-create ourselves and create a new, more vibrant and conscious world?

Starting with your individual intent, become conscious of what is truly important in your life; find ways to stay balanced and know that you will navigate successfully though all the changing patterns. Join in the Fiesta and celebrate life changing and the prospect of a better world.  Maybe this is simply about us,  becoming a more evolved multidimensional species, energetically aware and connected in ways we never before thought possible……

With love and light, Grace

Summer Intensive for Light workers

The Physics and Meta Physics of Health and Healing; Antequera Malaga, May 23rd

I have been revising the training schedule to be able to invite some students, both new and old, to visit me in Spain for a special three day intensive. This is an opportunity to explore recent developments including the DNA protocol. It will be a small group, to allow for extra personal coaching and personal re-alignment treatments. We have a new venue which is a beautiful healing retreat on the out shirts of Antequera and there will be plenty of opportunity to visit some of the historical sites, including El Torcal, one of the worlds oldest and deeply mystical sites.  We will be sending more information out shortly. If you are interested please contact me as soon as possible as places will be strictly limited.

Spooky action at a distance….

For the last three or four years, at the request of many clients I have been conducting “distance balancing”. The feedback has been surprising even knowing that they is a science behind it, I sometimes find it strange or “spooky” to coin a phrase used by Albert Einstein, that we can get accurate information so far away from many of my clients. This prompted me to revisit some quantum data and remind myself as to why this can occur.

So you may find it interesting to know that a big part of quantum theory, known as non-locality refers to the quality wherein “entangled” states ‘collapse’ simultaneously, when measured, regardless of the spatial separation of the two states. Einstein called this “spooky action at a distance”. When states collapse, the higher order produces a resonance factor that dominates and changes are experienced in the fields being measured. Herein, is the rationale behind our new Trans – Spatial Programme. Trans Spatial Alignment is the quantum term for distance measurement and balancing. I have decided to make this more widely available and hope that in this way, Quantum Change is contributing to a more balanced and harmonious world.  To find out more go to the treatments page on this website.

The next issue of this Newsletter will be at the begining of June and we will bring more information about the DNA Matrix.

Quantum Change will be updating the news section regularly and before long plan for the site to become much more interactive. Meanwhile, we would welcome your questions or comments, so please contact us