Energy Diagnosis and Treatment

The Cyma Method is a combination of Bioenergetics and Cymatics assess your innate wisdom. We test all your energy circuits and energetic responses to thousands of substances including emotions and beliefs to find out what your energy needs to maintain optimal functioning through the stresses of your life. Using  quantum principles we can analyze  Hair, blood or Saliva samples and connect through entanglement to provide an  link with you wherever you are in the world.  Our goal is to gather  information needed to help you built your internal resources and be able to manage your energy in a better, stronger way.

We can also check for solutions (remedies, frequencies or actions) that will strengthen your ability to maintain optimal self healing.  In this way you can  reduce the likelihood of stress on the body/mind, and maximise your capacity to deal with the demands of life

Your energy system is like a second brain. It operates  conceptually and very quantumly to get to the cause of any dissonance and to help you tap into your own potential. Unlike the old brain,  it doesn’t rely on memory or logic – instead, it goes to the heart of issues and it works intuitively.

To connect with this innate brain, the clearer your energy field is of disruptions to easier it is.

If you would like an assessment, we follow the same procedure as we do in our clinics regular reports based on information pertinent to you.

An assessment consists of three balances over the course of four weeks. The first session is a clearing exercises which aims to realign the core body fields: The second balance is more investigative to look beyond symptoms and search for the cause of problems. The third balance seeks to provide an recommendations for you to maintain and/or use alongside other required health care programmes.  .

The Trans-Spatial programme is an ongoing health optimisation programme, whereby regular balancing sessions are conducted on our behalf and reports are sent to you to keep you informed of the process and to allow you to enjoy a cloned copy of the frequencies used during your session. In this way, you can reinforce the session and experience the subtle power of cymatics and colour healing at home.

UNlike any other remote healing programme  the TSP offers a uniquely personalised balancing system;  closely monitoring your energy every week and the information is recorded for you ~ so you know what is going on here.  And that means we take your well being very seriously and want to interact with you. .

For too many years, bioenergetics has been a well kept secret used by people who want to be at their best including:-  Corporate CEO’s, Military Personnel,  European Politicians,and Entrepreneurs  to keep balanced in the highly competitive environment typical experienced by my clients

Einstein called this entanglement “spooky”I call this Trans Spatial interaction!

For more information continue reading

Demystifying Trans-Spatial Balancing

Grace Peyton Quantum Change © All rights Reserved, June 2009-16