The Cyma Method ~Bioenergtics and Resonance 

From the point of view of conventional medicine, death is the absence of life. Exactly what life is still remains uncertain but science now knows that human beings are bio electrical in essence and if problems occur in these electrical fields in and around the body, symptoms will eventually show up in the person’s reality. When the electrical activity ceases, so does life as we know it. Therefore, it could be said that life is the presence of  electrical fields in man. These can actually be measured, but generally, just like our homes electrical supply, these fields can not be seen. Science also tells us that everything is energy, vibrating fields of energy and there is no getting away from it. We are receivers and transmitters and all this can be measured too.  When we resonate with something, it means we have a matching frequency or wave length. Expressions such as “like attracts like” is a reflection of this universal principle. Beyond that, in this 3D world of physicality, we classify differences in vibrational rates as  different particles of matter, getting shaped by the intrinsic  frequency. Reality becomes a question of frequency patterns and wave forms.

Cymatics: – Coined by Hans Jenny almost 100 years ago, Cymatics is the name given to the recreated patterns of various forms. The patterns vibrate to specific frequencies and can be made audible. Therefore, cyma is the Greek work for waves, sound waves form the basis of all structure and form and the applications of Cymatics  has reached many professional fields. Dr Peter Guy Manners took Jenny’s work and extended it into the field of medicine. Over 50 years of clinical research at  his home in Evesham Worcestershire, Sir Peter collated over 650 computations of frequencies which relate to different organs, tissues, systems and functions of the human and animal kingdoms. This means the world has access to the frequency patterns of most of the body’s physical make-up. We also have the frequency patterns of psychological attributes and multiple dissonant patterns, such as carcinomas, Parkinson’s disease and more. These have been well trialled and provide a near perfect system of non medicine medicine. The intention from the onset of his work was to provide a vibrational match to healthy organs, glands, systems and functions. In doing so, he was often quoted that he believed one day, the same system would reveal the unique codifications for human signatures cell, which would via an advanced DNA molecules recording system allow for all our unique patterns to be recorded and stored in such a way that our future health would be protected and ageing decelerated, so we could live healthy and more active lives . given that this was his position years before the Human Genome Project classified DNA his thinking was surprisingly advanced.

The Cyma Method is a system which taps into Sound and Vibrational medicine but is distinctive in that it does not rely on any standard programme of restorative treatments. It relies on a precisely calibrated personalised programme to restore the individual’s energy fields and eliminate physical symptoms. It uses the body’s own wisdom to both identify and correct any “dissonance” or irregularities within the person and their environment. Using quantum instrumentation such as the Lecher Antenna enables the therapist to access information often hidden from today’s medical equipment and in fact to work pre-eminently  in the area of prevention has to be the ideal for all practitioners.

 Lecher Instrumentation:

This instrument is well known for detecting subtle wave lengths – energy too small to register on say MIRs or PET scans and thus can help spot  potential problems before they reach critical mass. It can also be used to correct cellular disruptions, blockages and inflammatory conditions and is a vital tool in the armoury of thousands of medical or health care providers. The Lecher instrument is an antenna sending and receiving information and  was  specifically developed to measure the very subtle deep centripetal energy resources and reserves within all of us. Once the dissonance is identified the body will indicate the treatment priority and a solutions orientated plan  to optimise energy and healing.

The Cyma Method is a combination of bio energetics, bio resonance and biological, regulatory medicine and works very logically on multiple levels including the Psyche. Grounded in quantum science, ACMOS bio energetics and Cymatics therapy  the Cyma Method provides a  comprehensive set of protocols, pulls all the information together in a unique and easily understood process and more importantly improves vital energy systems and keeps people well .

We are multidimensional beings living in a third dimensional body. If we really get that, we can change anything.
