QUANTUM DNA – Is this our real brain?

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There is something that keeps humanity driving itself upwards to ever higher levels of achievement and this goes beyond the need for survival or the concept of natural selection. It is related to growth and it is Spiritual. Certainly, the desire to seek God or some form of perfection has been a constant theme through the eons of time and in all cultures around the world. To understand more about ourselves and live life based on the possibilities of higher evolution is something humans crave. Evolution is a growth process that helps us adapt and change to new opportunities, not just threats. And now given the state of the environment and the escalation of technological and electro-magnetic developments, the need to evolve is evident.

In biology, evolution is the change in the genetic material of a population of organisms from one generation to the next. Though the changes produced in any one generation are small, differences accumulate with each generation and can, over time; result in substantial changes in the organisms. This process can culminate in the emergence of new species. Indeed, the similarities between organisms suggest that all known species are descended from a common ancestor or ancestral gene pool through this process of gradual divergence. Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection has become the accepted dogma in biological studies and it makes sense.

Quantum biology or Epigenetics however offers a new perspective on how cells divide and replicate or mutate and this perspective is based on the quantum-state of DNA and its role in the evolution of the human species. Evolution is a relatively slow process, but in a quantum state, things happen instantly. What if DNA operates more in a quantum state than a fixed bio-chemical way? Would that change the way evolution works? Is that what happens when miracles occur? And have we reached a point of evolution wherein we can now change things we thought we couldn’t?

Within our DNA we have a wealth of possibilities. Perhaps it is possible to develop special attributes, extra sensory perceptions and instantaneous trans-mutations of traits that no longer suit us. What is a miracle and what does science know about it anyway. Maybe a quantum leap is all that is needed to affect significant changes in our genetic material that will allow us to master our own health and pre-dispositions?

Well the case for this is being made by scientists from widely different fields of interest. Quantum studies cut across every area of life. As our understanding grows so too does the opportunity to develop how we live our lives and the kind of things we can do. DNA is quantum and operates via our consciousness. So if we want to change our DNA or gene pool, we need to think a little outside the three dimensional boxes that we are used to thinking in.

dnaUnlike machines, DNA works very differently to every other part of the body. For instance, a gear in a car has the same function no matter what car it is in; a liver cell is only ever a liver cell and does what liver cells do. DNA parts however, have the capacity to do whatever it decides the parts need to do and is able to send out new instructions based on what it decides the body needs.   Our entire DNA is influenced by external experiences and information from our ancestors and parents and has a significant role in determining how we are in our physical, mental and emotional bodies. Even the way the planets were aligned at birth and planetary changes as well as cosmic changes get recorded and responded to by the storehouse of information in the Energetic DNA.  To put it another way, DNA, in its entirety, in forms (in-formation) our bodies as to how we develop in the physical world. All that we are with any attributes, traits or strengths, limitations, talents and abilities, or lack of, sabotage, inclinations or preferences are set patterns of instructions for regenerating our bodies and our personalities.  And all this is influenced by our environment and its impact on the cells membrane.   The vast majority of our DNA is identical to that of other humans.  The very small percentage that is different is what makes us all unique and gives us our unique signature.  DNA has a complex frequency code that reflects our bio-chemical nature and contains all the standard attributes from which we can identify different species and the ones that determine our humanity. The basic structure however, containing as it does tens of thousands of genetic material, has an infinite base of variable factors that has enabled human beings to evolve as three dimensional beings with the potential to rise to ever higher levels of vibration and consciousness. Obviously, this involves a quantum transfer of chemical constituents bequeathed by specific parental, cultural and environmental inclinations that help make up our unique genome. DNA, like the water that constitutes the majority of our body retains memory and this in turn can affect the replication and/or regeneration of our cells, our personalities and our behaviors.

A DNA sample registers only what can be observed in a laboratory and this is less that 5% of the available information. In fact, human DNA, is pretty much identical no matter what your race, ethnicity, sex, family lineage is. The information is what makes us human, compared to say a plant or an animal.   The search is on to read the unreadable aspects, the genes that control aging, or health or special abilities and whenever science determines a little bit more of the puzzle, it is headline news. So, we now have a system that can identify a fixed pattern or signature for every individual on earth and this is unique.

The problem for scientists is that if they can’t observe something it is considered ‘not real’ so they reduce it all to a three dimensional view of DNA and using advanced tools observe the tiniest of chemical particles with special microscopes. The bulk of information how ever, is hidden in a magnetic form within our DNA, not visible even under the microscopes. Initially, this was labeled as “junk” simply because it could not be understood. Hence most of the DNA was not taken into account when the Human Genome Project was undertaken. Now however, we know that nature does not hold on to things it does not need. It discards information for growth and survival by mutating or changing because of what it has learned. Just as there comes a time when we stop crawling and walk on two feet, so the information, stored as potential in DNA gets activated. We grow and learn in a time honoured fashion, in order to be ‘who’ we are and each of us develops attributes and traits that support our sense of self. So wouldn’t it be good if we could find a way to control predispositions to say, Cancer, or Multiple Sclerosis? And the search is on to do that and so much more.  But DNA does not work like other parts of the body. A liver can be seen and touched and has a set function and purpose just like a gearbox in a car; it will always be and do what it was designed to do. DNA is different.

Genes are a distinct portion of a cells DNA and provide coded information for making

every thing in the body, especially protein We have tens of thousands of gene types. Some genes are dominant Others are recessive and may or may not be activated, for example in the case of Parkinson’s disease.  But it seems to apply to everything: Some are associated with disorders (such as Cystic Fibrosis and Alzheimer’s).  There are many genes whose function are still unknown.  Protein chains made up of amino acids form the basis of what the body does, such as digestion.  Some are activated immediately and then made redundant as we grow; others are initiated at various stages of growth, for example, at puberty or menopause.  Some never get activated; instead they lie dormant as potentials.  Genes can be regarded as blueprints activated by external triggers and within the energetic DNA there is believed to be every potential attribute or trait from the collective memory of the whole race and species. Everything gets registered/recorded and held in the cellular memory or surrounding fields.  Certain aspects lie dormant until the body reaches an appropriate level of need to evolve and improve self.

Genetic Engineering is a scientific process that seeks to cross pollinate or fertilize DNA (as used in food production) the process involved is called Gene Splicing. Using a chemical approach, some genes can be isolated – mixed – replaced or enhanced accordingly.  This is a way to ‘short circuit’ the evolutionary process.

Therefore, we know  it is possible to alter (for instance) the size of a plant etc by controlling or manipulating DNA.  For better or worse, this can happen with human DNA by changing the existing sequence and altering its pattern.

Examples of DNA attributes or traits include; hair color, eye patterns, length of       fingers, ear shapes and metabolism.  It also includes cognitive abilities and perception, our emotional predisposition and individual talents and probably much more that we take for granted as being ‘what makes us who we are’.

Energetic DNA is a body/mind information gathering system containing a wealth of variable information for genetic development.

Within our DNA at a quantum energetic level there is a magnetic element that serves as a conduit for processing information via RNA.  Because most of this is non physical, scientists originally called it ‘junk’, and its functions were unknown.  Now with the advance of technology and more refined scanning instruments, this view is changing and there is evidence accruing which suggests this is a lot more significant than we once thought. It seems that we as a species have unexplored capabilities and the potential to tap into an ocean of information stored in our body cells waiting for points of evolution which start with higher awareness or desire for growth. At least 90% of our DNA is pure quantum. It has an ability to adapt and instantaneously transfer new information to every part of our bodies. Unlike a motor vehicle, which has a particular function built into it, with parts that just do what they were made for; DNA does not just do set things. Information stored in DNA is like an instruction manual for a vehicle. But DNA can rewrite its own instructions when ever it needs to. In fact, we are our DNA and we decide when and what we need or want to change and all changes must happen at an energetic level first.

Energetic DNA is responsive to information it receives on multiple levels and can be affected for instance by a significant event, our thoughts or emotions. We generate energetic and chemical alterations (such as changes in the levels of cortisone or adrenaline) when ever we are stressed.    The body automatically goes into a ‘fight or flight mode to help us survive. Consequently the production of proteins and other regenerative processes are altered, contributing to aging and disease. This is due to our genetic predisposition. As our body tends to react the same way to real and imagined events our thoughts play an important part in the creation of physical health. By the time a problem is observed, bio chemical changes have occurred in the body which affect our genome and contribute to aging.  Our thoughts, conscious or otherwise act to impress information on our cells. When underpinned by emotions (energy in motion) our thoughts contribute to the actual formation of our DNA and this has a solidifying impact on our physical reality.

In our opinion, DNA Activation and Recoding works energetically to provide new instructions for cellular and psycho-emotional transformation and encourages self regeneration based on the information placed init. The tonal quality of our individual genome is always changing and responds to similar tones and notes, through the law of attraction. Like resonates with like. And like attracts like.

Cymatics is based on direct application of sound waves to restructure cells by a process of resonance and our evidence based research validates sound, light and vibrational techniques as working at a cellular level to restore balance and ‘harmony’ and therefore accelerate healing.  It was not a big leap for many of us to move away from the Central Dogma of medicine and towards a new view of the body’s cell brain.  The cell’s membrane (men (tal)-brain) influenced by the environment, receives signals that trigger the processes of life.

Energetic DNA is a signature expression of our personal potential, based on the availability of information stored in our cellular memories. When combined with our conscious intention to raise our vibratory level of awareness, it offers the potential to activate and change any limiting memory or cellular instructions that limit our full expression of our personal essence.  It is a powerful key to the expression of our uniqueness. A Quantum change implies a leap in awareness that the body understands and happens at all levels instantly.   Our DNA is more than just a part of us. It is what we use to make and keep ourselves in a three dimensional body.

We are now ready to let this loose on the world (but not without some trepidation), we invite you to consider the possibility that you can change – alter or enhance your DNA.

Sir Peter Manners always maintained that one day, people would be able to take a frequency sample of their own DNA at the age of 17 and using Cymatics resonance technology to maintain youth and vitality. Well we think we have done the next best thing.

Using a special protocol we have found the  wave patterns of human DNA/RNA, genes and chromosomes. It is a standard pattern containing 144 different resonant frequencies that are designed to reflect the essential energy of human DNA.

During the Realignment process, we look to identify any qualities that may need activation or recoding energetically so that we can restore the basic building blocks in an individual’s unique cellular signature. We do so through a process that taps into the body’s incredible ability to know what it wants to be whole and complete.

Because the DNA protocol works at the interface between energy and matter it offers a new depth to self development, which we believe is able to optimize the expression of your potential and counter the ‘ravages of time’. For this reason it is hailed as quantum rejuvenation. But it does much more than that. DNA is mostly quantum level information which seeks to keep evolving and contains memory based on our life experiences, parent, hereditary and cultural information and goes on the make genes and chromosomes which define who we are.  Can we use it to accelerate talents and abilities that are lying dormant? And do we need to?

Well, it seems that we can influence our own DNA with our thoughts and what is occurring in our environment. If this is true, we can also influence our DNA with Cymatics pressure waves. Read about Cymatics and how it works to restore resonance patterns in our cells.

We have built in to the Protocol (method of treatment) the  capacity to detect  any distorted or ill-paired chromosomes that might affect your future health and well being. This is bio-energetics and resonance. Not available anywhere else and it is not a genetic cloning exercise; it is designed to encourage a conscious awareness of the fabulous potential held within our DNA and help us strive towards a more uplifted humanity. What would it mean to you to be able to let go of any limiting factors and begin express the full beauty of who you are?

Science is just beginning to realize that human DNA is influenced by many factors The protocol is built around four categories for assessment and highlights the priorities for activation:

Biological: To identify and restore any underlying weaknesses in the physical structure caused by a weakness in the formation of the chemical structure of DNA.

Mental: To realign any imprints or encoding that affects the body’s neuro-cognitive or cerebral development and inhibit the expression of potential.

Emotional: This balances the Sympathetic and Para sympathetic nervous systems and brings them into alignment with the other fields around the human structure.

Spiritual: This contains the higher aspirations of the soul and seeks to help bring higher vibrational alignment to the whole person

Who can benefit from the treatment?

ü      Anyone who has a longstanding health challenge

ü      Anyone who wants to have an anti-aging edge and protect themselves against the aging process

ü      Anyone who wants to break out of limiting patterns of behavior

ü      Anyone ready to reach for their highest vibrational expression of their potential.

DNA Recoding is currently only available at the Malaga Clinic or through the Trans Spatial Programme. We will be offering training to therapists later in the year. If you would like to find out more about this please join our mailing list.